Incoming Missions

Every year, the CMA receives more than 100 delegations from the Mainland and around the world to strengthen economic ties and discuss opportunities for collaborations. CMA also assists these incoming missions to meet our members to foster bilateral trade and investment. 

Date Title
2019/1/28 Delegation of China Venture Capital Co., Ltd.
2019/1/23 Delegation of Investment Promotion Agency of Department of Commerce of Hunan Province
2019/01/16 Delegation of Hongkong and Macao Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province
2019/01/09 Meeting with Mr Mehdi Hasan, Consul General of the Consulate General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong and the delegation

Delegation of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
2018/12/18 Delegation of Shanxi Province’s Study Tour to Hong Kong – Macau
2018/12/15 Delegation of Tianjin Federation of Industry & Commerce
2018/12/14 Delegation of the Chong Qing Commerce Commission
2018/12/6 Delegation of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Delegation of the Jiangsu Taizhou Economic And Informatoi Technology Commission
2018/12/06 Delegation of The People’s Government of Yiyang, Hunan Province
2018/12/05 Delegation of the CPC Xintai Municipal Committee
2018/12/04 Delegation of Standing Committee of National People’s Congress of Panyu, Guangzhou
2018/12/04 Delegation of the Industry and Information Technology Department of Shandong Provinc
2018/12/03 Delegation of the Management Committee of Shenfu New Area, Liaoning Province, Chin