​Hong Kong Shared Good Values: A Case Competition Open to All Disciplines(Supported by CMA)

日期 Date:  2020/01/15 - 2020/02/16      
費用 Fee: Free     
查詢人 Contact Person : Ms. Debbie Lam    電話 Tel : 3651 5243
電郵 Email : connect.hksgv@gmail.com
簡介Summary :
The captioned is organized by Hong Kong Shared Good Values, supported by CMA. Since 2017, HKSGV has been annually hosting a case competition to introduce creating shared value (CSV) concepts to tertiary students through guiding them in creating business improvement proposals in response to real life work situation (at different corporates).

For details and registration, please visit: https://us7.campaign-archive.com/?e=&u=288079113bdca817ccb13e22e&id=0aae799656