IFTA Fintech and Innovation Awards 2022 / 2023 is open for application now
Contact: Ms Gina Yue, Award Secretariat
Tel: 3769 6406
Email: secretariat@iftaawards.org
IFTA Fintech and Innovation Awards 2022 / 2023 is open for application now. This year, the Awards streamlined into 14 award categories, with 10 for corporates and 4 for individuals / teams; while one of the award categories is newly introduced - cybersecurity, so to promote the effort of protecting data.
No matter you are a commercial company, an NGO, an NPO such as schools, professional bodies, charities, social enterprises, etc., a start-up, or an individual who have helped the advancement of the FinTech industry and raise the overall level of FinTech literacy in Hong Kong, you are more than welcomed to join the Awards.
Application Closes: 26th May, 2023 (Friday)
*Application materials to be submitted on or before 2 June 2023.
Grasp this opportunity to reward yourself and your projects by applying now. For more details, please visit www.iftaawards.org.

Tel: 3769 6406
Email: secretariat@iftaawards.org
IFTA Fintech and Innovation Awards 2022 / 2023 is open for application now. This year, the Awards streamlined into 14 award categories, with 10 for corporates and 4 for individuals / teams; while one of the award categories is newly introduced - cybersecurity, so to promote the effort of protecting data.
No matter you are a commercial company, an NGO, an NPO such as schools, professional bodies, charities, social enterprises, etc., a start-up, or an individual who have helped the advancement of the FinTech industry and raise the overall level of FinTech literacy in Hong Kong, you are more than welcomed to join the Awards.
Application Closes: 26th May, 2023 (Friday)
*Application materials to be submitted on or before 2 June 2023.
Grasp this opportunity to reward yourself and your projects by applying now. For more details, please visit www.iftaawards.org.