Co-events and Other Events

Date Titles
2023/09/13, 09/15 Opening Ceremony and Gala Dinner of the Hong Kong International Biotechnology Convention 2023 (BIOHK2023)(supported by CMA)
From now until 2023/09/07 前海粵港澳台青年創新創業大賽(香港賽區)(本會支持)
2023/09/07 ISO/TC114 Updates: An Introduction to the Latest ISO standard for the Watch Industry
2023/09/05 “BugHunting Campaign 2023” Closing Ceremony & Solution Gala (supported by CMA)
2023/10/04 Hong Kong Green Finance Association (HKGFA) Annual Forum entitled “Transition to Net Zero: From Ambition to Action”(supported by CMA)
2023/09/01  HKUST Industry Engagement Day +: Strengthening Hong Kong’s Electronics Industry via Microelectronics Innovation (CMA Support)
2023/08/25 HKQAA Symposum: Build the Livable City, Shape a Sustainable Community (Online Live)(supported by CMA)
2023/08/23 團結香港基金「香港造地發展及融資經濟論壇」(本會支持)

2023/08/18 Hong Kong Innopreneur Awards – The Innopreneur Gathering (supported by CMA)
Now until 2023/08/13 Health Partnership Awards 2023 (supported by CMA)
2023/08/11-13 The 8th Golden Age Expo and Summit (2023)
2023/08/04 The Best Employee and Employer Award 2023(supported by CMA)
From now until 2023/07/31 “Directors Of the Year Awards”2023 Open for Application NOW (supported by CMA)
2023/06/18-19 Green Low Carbon Day 2023 
2023/06/09 The 24th Annual Corporate and Regulatory Update (ACRU 2023) (supported by CMA)