CMA Greater China Commerce and Trade Committee visit “Tang Dynasty murals showcased at multimedia CityU exhibition”
A 13-member delegation of the CMA Greater China Commerce and Trade Committee visited to “Tang Dynasty murals showcased at multimedia CityU exhibition” at City University of Hong Kong on 31 May 2022. The delegation met with Ms Kathy Chan, Associate Vice-President (Development and Alumni Relations) of CityU and Mr Gavin Kwok, Director of Development Office of CityU.

CMA Executive Vice President Dr Wingco Lo, Vice President Dr Ma Kai Yum, Chief Executive Officer Mr Ralph Chow, Executive Committee member cum Chairman of CMA Greater China Commerce and Trade Committee Mr Kenneth Ng and committee members posed photo with Mr Gavin Kwok, Director of Development Office of CityU.

CMA Executive Committee member cum Chairman of CMA Greater China Commerce and Trade Committee Mr Kenneth Ng hosted a lunch for committee members and guests, and posed photo with Ms Kathy Chan, Associate Vice-President (Development and Alumni Relations) of CityU.
CMA Executive Vice President Dr Wingco Lo, Vice President Dr Ma Kai Yum, Chief Executive Officer Mr Ralph Chow, Executive Committee member cum Chairman of CMA Greater China Commerce and Trade Committee Mr Kenneth Ng and committee members posed photo with Mr Gavin Kwok, Director of Development Office of CityU.

CMA Executive Committee member cum Chairman of CMA Greater China Commerce and Trade Committee Mr Kenneth Ng hosted a lunch for committee members and guests, and posed photo with Ms Kathy Chan, Associate Vice-President (Development and Alumni Relations) of CityU.